As a coach & PhD neuroscientist specialising in our brain's attention systems, I help professionals maximise their time, energy & impact so that they thrive in a world of distraction & overwhelm.

Are you:
Overstretched juggling different demands for your time & attention?
Feeling scattered or overwhelmed?
Feeling less productive - you try to focus but are constantly distracted?
A proud multitasker, but beginning to feel less effective on everything?
Low on energy at the end of the day, wondering where the time went and wishing you could have achieved more toward your main priorities?
Noticing more stress or being irritable?
Finding it hard to stop scrolling news or social media, and forgetting the task that brought you to the device?
Sometimes doubting your memory, unable to recall details
If you are ready to TAKE BACK CONTROL of your attention and gain more FOCUS, PRODUCTIVITY, JOY and FULFILLMENT from a life of conscious awareness, less distraction and time wasting, contact me now

Why is optimising our attention so important now?
It can be hard to hold on to our productivity and sense of self in today’s overly-demanding world. The pace of change during the TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION has been unprecedented. We live in an information age in which we are flooded daily with more information than we can process. This over-abundance of information and our limited attention results in an ATTENTION ECONOMY in which our attention is one of the world's most highly traded commodities!! DISTRACTION is not a new concept – it is documented in some of the earliest writings. Nor is it confined to the digital space - we face numerous competiting challenges for our time, energy and attention in the real world. However, the type of stimulation found in the digital world is designed to work on our brain’s attention systems, triggering alerting/distraction, as well as providing intense dopamine spikes that can make digital distractions particularly addictive and difficult to avoid. The result is our brain's attentional resources are DEPLETED and we are not operating at full cognitive capacity. Most of us have little awareness when our attention is being depleted, or strategies to mitigate this. This significantly impacts our productivity and potential. In contrast, developing awareness of where our attention is oriented and having strategies to manage our cognitive resources will lead to MORE ENERGY and the ability to MAXIMISE OUR PRODUCTIVITY, POTENTIAL AND FULFILLMENT, and create the life we want.
As a neuroscientist, I specialised in our brain’s attention systems. As a certified coach, I have developed a framework and program for managing our attention that combines knowledge from neuroscience with techniques from the wellness sector, which have been scientifically shown to be beneficial for mental/attentional resilience. Together we clarify your purpose and focus, overcome distractions and barriers to achieving your goals, and find time for creativity. You will discover not only your peak performance, but also confidence, empowerment and balance. By-products of making your attention strong: - A more resilient brain – resilient to burnout and overwhelm - Feel more present and enjoying the moment - More productive – the ability to focus where you choose - Greater clarity of thinking and communication

Could my experience help your experience?
How can I support and partner with you through your journey?
Could I be the right partner to help you navigate your next steps and future? Reach out for a short chat where we can discover if the fit between us is the synergy you’ve been looking for to help you maximise your potential!
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